
The why初衷

The why
The why

Why do I want to build this personal website? Previously I had iterated over several versions of my personal website actually, but I was never satisfied with how it turned out. I had a few reasons for that:

I don't want my personal site to just be -- a portfolio site. That's why I don't want to even call it a portfolio site. Personal playground sounds better (but I might still tweak the name in the future). Basically, I think it shouldn't just be a place to showcase my work and projects, but also a place to think, to ponder, to learn, to experiment, to connect, to explore, to share, and to grow. I want it to be a place where I can express myself, and where I can be myself. I want it to be a place where I can be creative, and where I can be free. Being a playground of some sort, I can experiment with different ideas, designs, tech, music, things that I love. It is also like a cozy little corner, where I put up things that I like, and things I would want to share with you guys. And hopefully, through all these, you can also understand me better as a holistic person, with emotions, thoughts, and dreams, not just a mere coding machine.

Therefore, here you go; after much thoughts and design and nights burnt, I have finally put up something I am somewhat satisfied with. I added little bit of animation and details here and there, and gave it a simple and peaceful texture. Feel free to explore in my little digital playground here, enjoy the text, the music, the visuals, and the vibes. I hope you can find something that resonates with you. This site should be updated in sync with my life, so stay tuned for any updates. I hope you enjoy your stay here 😉

我的个人网站经历了好几次大改动了,但是我一直都不是很满意。我不觉得个人主页只是一个简历,我也不想叫它简历,显得很单调很无味。游乐场听起来好很多呢(但是我可能以后估计我还得改一改这个名字)。这不仅是一个展示我的作品和项目的地方,而且也应该是一个思考、学习、实验、探索、分享、成长、与世界互动的地方。我希望它是一个我可以表达自我的地方,在这里,我可以发挥天马行空的想象,让创造力无限地伸展。作为一个游乐场,我可以尝试不同的想法、设计、技术、音乐……任何我喜欢的东西。就像一个舒适的小窝,我陈列起我视为珍宝的东西,分享给你看,讲故事给你听。希望通过这一切,你能更全面地了解我。那么话不多说,欢迎来的这里,随便逛逛,走走看看,听听音乐弹弹琴,希望你能喜欢这里 😉

Tech stack
Tech stack

A little bit of tech here for anyone interested, and to give credits to the useful tools that made this website possible: