Hi! I'm Li Yuxuan你好啊!我是李雨轩
Hey there, I'm Li Yuxuan. I was born in Sichuan, growing up in Xiamen. I've been in Singapore, this sunny island since I was 15. And let me tell you, Singapore feels like a second home for me now.
By day, I'm diving deep into the world of software engineering, with a focus on web development. I'm currently working in as a Software Engineer, working on an internal tool that helps labelling and curation process. I often find myself get fascinated by the idea of creating beautiful and functional user experiences, and the learning journey of software engineering never stops and constantly excites me! Currently, apart from that I'm designing and developing now, I dedicate some of my time developing . It is a gamified AI-powered web app that helps English learners to improve their vocabulary and expressions, with a constantly growing database of public contributed topics and words. My dream as a software engineer is to create a suite of educational tools that help learners to learn things in a fun and effective way! is just a starting point for me 😉.
I love music. Choir, piano, violin, guitar, ukulele, I have tried and played all of them. I am also a fan of Ghibli films and their enchanting soundtracks. (Thank you so much Hayao Miyazaki and Joe Hisaishi 🙏🏻❤️). If you catch me lost in thought, I'm probably composing my own melodies or picturing some scenes that will go with the flow~. I also tried out music composition with my MIDI keyboards and various softwares like FL Studio 12, Adobe Audition, Garage Band, Logic Pro X; made over the years, and learnt not just music creation, but also audio and video graphic editings along the way as well!
While I'm not exactly a marathon enthusiast (running? Nah, not my piece of cake), I do love swimming, cycling and roller blading. There's something liberating about cruising through the city, soaking in the sights, and stumbling upon hidden gems along the way. It is a luxury nowadays to sometimes be able to just slow down and enjoy the little things in life 🌟. If I found little things or scenary that interests me, I will snap a photo or two with my phone and posted them on social media (so that they can help me save those memories in their databases haha).
I do some readings too, mainly Chinese books. From thought-provoking reads to interesting stories, my bookshelf (a digital one 👀) is slowly growing its size. Sometimes I will write down some notes and I do hope with this digital website finally up and running, I can share them with you guys in the future!
So, here you go! I revamped this personal website to bring you a glimpse of my little life, with code, learning, creativity and simply just enjoyments of life. If you are wondering about why I created this website, . Feel free to wander through my digital playground here and if you fancy a chat. Let's brew some magic together!
Catch you on the flip side, Yuxuan 😉
白天,我是一名软件工程师,专注于网页开发。目前我在 工作,负责开发一个内部工具🤫。我对于创造美观且功能性的用户体验深感着迷,也不断地学习更多软件工程相关的课题!除了 之外,我还抽出一些时间开发 。这是一个结合了人工智能的网页应用,旨在帮助英语学习者扩大词汇量和表达能力,拥有不断增长的话题和词汇库。作为一名软件工程师,我的梦想是有一天能够创造一系列的教育工具,帮助学习者以一种有趣且有效的方式学习!
我热爱音乐。合唱团、钢琴、小提琴、吉他,这些我都有所尝试。我是一个吉卜力电影粉,超级喜欢吉卜力世界里的单纯美好,以及优美动人的电影配乐(非常感谢宫崎骏先生和久石让先生🙏🏻❤️)。我是个I人(INFJ-T),如果有时候你看到我陷入沉思,我可能正在脑补一些梦幻的场景,或者可能正沉浸在某段旋律之中~。我也尝试过用 MIDI 键盘和软件进行音乐创作,这些年来积累创作了 ,并在这个过程中学会了一些音乐创作技巧,以及音频和视频编辑的技术。
所以,这就是我!我重新设计了这个个人网站,希望能够让你们看到我的一些生活,包括代码、学习、创造力和生活中的一些享受。如果你对创建这个网站的初衷感兴趣,。随时欢迎你们在我的个人游乐场里闲逛,如果你想聊天,也欢迎 。让我们一起创造一些魔法吧🔮!
不见不散! 雨轩 😉